Wandering on the Way
Real travel requires a maximum of unscheduled wandering, for there is no other way of discovering surprises and marvels, which, as I see it, is the only good reason for not staying at home.
- Alan Watts
Hi, we're Joy and Kevin!
About Us
In the early days of the pandemic, as we (like so many) grappled with COVID in a very personal, somewhat scary way, we began re-evaluating what we wanted out of our lives - and what we wanted less of.
We’ve always been somewhat adventurous; one of our earliest dates was a winter snowshoe in the White Mountains of NH, in a blizzard. We joke that Kevin bought Joy (who grew up in Texas’ warmer climate) silk underwear in their first month of dating — it just happened to be a set of long-johns from REI.
Casting Off The Lines
We feel incredibly fortunate to have this life; for many years, we were simply very comfortable, living some version of the American dream, with a house, cars, and a week or two of vacation every year.
Kevin had spent decades building a career in tech, and when the pandemic hit, was running a startup. Joy had gone back to school, pivoting from business to healthcare as a nurse practitioner, and was working in primary care.
But we realized, as the world changed around us, that we did not want to spend our lives working to be comfortable. We want to see the world, experience challenge, meet new people, and most importantly we want to let life change us.
A sort-of mission statement, borrowed from Anthony Bourdain, is that we want to be travelers, not tourists.
Thanks for following along with us!